Friday, June 23, 2017

Day Seven – 7th Series – Water Triple with an Honor.

The Seventh Series is a Water Triple with an Honor and 2 Retired. We are overlooking a large technical pond with John and Laura Parrott’s house way at the far end high on a hill. The long “Middle Retired” bird is the first bird down. This dead duck is thrown 45 degrees angle back to the left across a channel landing on the opposite shore at 205 yards. The three guns retire when the dog is sent for his first bird. The direct line to the bird is down the slope, across the pond while taking the tip of a peninsula. Then the dogs must go across land in medium grassy cover, across a small piece of water to the far shore to get the bird.

The second bird down is on the left and is a dead duck thrown to the right at a 45-degree angle back into the water at 105 yards. Again, these three guns retire – “Left Retired.” The dogs must run down the slope, swim across the pond, across three peninsulas and back into the far piece of water to get their bird.

The “Flyer” is on the right of the other marks. It is a duck shot to the right landing up on the slope of a hillside at 70 yards. The dogs must run down the slope of the hill, across the water onto the end of a hooked peninsula and up the hillside slope to get the bird.

After the dog has completed the test, there is an Honor to the left of the mat. The test is taking just over ten minutes per dog.

Left Retired – 105 yards

Middle Retired – 205 yards and the Flyer Station – 70 yards