9th Series

The Ninth Series is a Land Triple with two flyers and two retired. We are at the magnificent property of Mary and Randy Spangler. We are overlooking a large bowl filled with mowed strips of cover dotted with large round hay bales. The test is shot "round the horn." The "Long Retired" is a dead hen pheasant thrown to the left angle back steep down the slope of a knoll. The bird lands in a heavy strip of cover at 288 yards and the gunners retire into a clump of two large pine trees.

The "Middle Retired" is a swing to the right and in the middle of the test nestled among dozens of hay bales in the valley. The gunners are in front of two large pine trees. They shoot a hen pheasant flyer to the right landing in a heavy strip of cover at 212 yards. This gun station also retires.

The "Right Flyer" is a big swing to the right again. The guns shoot a soaring rooster flyer to the right  down the slope and landing in the valley at 180 yards. These four guns stand out. After the dog has completed his marks, there is an honor to the left of the running dog.

This test is spread out and there is lots of room to hunt where the bird isn't. With the mowed strips and the hay bales, there are many obstacles on the dog's way down the hill to retrieve his pheasants.

Left Retired – Dead Hen Pheasant – Thrown left
Middle Retired – Hen Pheasant Flyer – Shot to the right
Rooster Flyer – Shot to the right